Get help finding the Right Tax Lawyer for your case
If an individual fails to file their tax returns and pay their taxes on time, they are subject to civil penalties, which can carry severe - even criminal - consequences. Outstanding back taxes can lead to extremely high interest rates on the taxes owed, in addition to extra penalty fees. Not paying taxes can constitute as evading the IRS, which is a criminal offense.
Owing outstanding back taxes may send a red flag to the IRS, causing them to audit an individual and go back through their tax history of the last 6 years or longer. An IRS agent may also visit the individual's home, seeking to collect the debt owed.
If an individual owes outstanding back taxes, there are several actions the government can take aside from adding interest or additional fees to a person's tax debt. The government can also:
If you owe outstanding back taxes, it would be wise to seek the council of a tax attorney. An attorney can help you file all of your tax returns immediately so that you can move forward in settling your outstanding back tax debt. If you have had a lien, garnishment, or levy placed on your assets, you can also get assistance in appealing and removing these penalties.
A tax attorney may also be able to help you make a Compromise Offer, either in the form of a lump sum or an installment plan of periodic payments, to settle your dept. If you cannot pay even a portion of your outstanding back taxes, you may be able to file bankruptcy to eliminate your tax debt. There are, however, many regulations and restrictions regarding this, so it may not always be possible. A tax attorney can help assess your situation and explain all options that are available to you to help you overcome the difficulties of owing outstanding back taxes.
If you owe outstanding back taxes, we can help you find a tax lawyer that can help reduce or eliminate your debt. Contact Attorney Search Network for a tax lawyer referral today. If you have any questions about the information provided above, contact Attorney Search Network for a free Lawyer Referral to a Tax Lawyer with experience in Outstanding Back Taxes.
If you have any questions about the information provided above, please contact us. Call us toll free at (800) 215-1190 or fill out our online form for your Tax lawyer referral.
If you have any questions about the information provided above, please contact Attorney Search Network.