Attorney Search Network is a California State Bar Certified Lawyer Referral Service
In California, it is important to make sure that the Lawyer Referral Service you use is certified by The California State Bar Association. According to the law, in order to operate in California, it is mandatory for a Lawyer Referral Service to be California Bar certified. They must also list their California Bar certification when advertising.
California Bar certification signifies that the Lawyer Referral Service meets California Supreme Court approved standards. It also means that the clients are protected by the quality of service they receive, including the quality of attorneys clients will be referred to.
All attorneys in California Bar certified Lawyer Referral Services are insured and carry malpractice insurance. This is an important protection for clients.
A Lawyer Referral Service screens client's calls. Highly trained staff ask clients for a brief explanation of their legal matter and location. Attorneys also provide criteria for various types of cases and legal issues. Based on the given criteria, the staff will determine whether there is a lawyer in the service the type of case the caller is dealing with.
A California Bar certified Lawyer Referral Service can also provide information about other programs or organizations, in case the client does not require the help of a private attorney. They can direct clients to other government agencies and organizations that could be more useful to their particular situation. Statistics show that out of the hundreds of thousands who call lawyer referral services, less than 40% are referred to lawyers.
California Bar certification rules promote offering clients free or reduced fee consultations, as well as assistance in foreign languages such as Spanish.
If you need to hire an attorney, call Attorney Search Network. Attorney Search Network is a California Bar certified Lawyer Referral and Information Service (certification number 113) and can refer you to an attorney in your area with experience in your legal matter.
The State Bar of California Hereby Authorizes Certificates
2019 State Bar of California Certificate of ComplianceIf you have any questions about the information provided above, please contact us. Call Attorney Search Network toll free at (800) 215-1190 or fill out our online form for a lawyer referral.
If you have any questions about the information provided above, please contact Attorney Search Network.