E-2 Investor Visa Immigration Law

E-2 Investor Visa Legal Issues

E-2 Investor Visa

An investor visa (E-2 visa) allows individuals to enter the U.S based on an investment. The investor visa is a non-immigrant visa, that awards visas to those who have bilateral investment, navigation treaties and commerce with the United States. Individuals who qualify for an investor visa have to make a considerable investment in a U.S company and wish to conduct business directly with that entity. An applicant has a higher chance of getting an investor visa if they show that their investments will result in more employment across the U.S.

Consequences of Investor Visas:

An investor visa is awarded to those who prove and document active and legitimate sources that demonstrate that they have full control of the funds. It is important to show real estate transactions, inheritance, bonuses, sales commissions, salary increases and other factors. One's chances of success largely depend on how well the application is prepared. If one chooses a business that meets the requirement for the investor visa and thoroughly shows documentation, they will most likely have their case approved.

What a Lawyer can do for you:

An immigration lawyer can evaluate your situation so that the application is complete. Immigration lawyers make sure all supporting documents are presented to immigration authorities. A lawyer can carefully prepare and review your application before filing so that the chances of additional evidence requests and rejection is minimized.

Lawyer Referral Service:

If you need assistance with an investor visa application, contact Attorney Search Network for an immigration lawyer referral. Attorney Search Network has qualified immigration lawyers who are ready to help you with your investor visa application.

If you have any questions about the information provided above, please contact us. Call us toll free at (800) 215-1190 or fill out our online form for your Immigration lawyer referral.

If you have any questions about the information provided above, please contact Attorney Search Network.