Federal Employer's Liability Act Law

Federal Employer's Liability Act Employment Law

Federal Employer's Liability Act Law:

Since railroad work presents high levels of danger to employees, the Federal Employer's Liability Act (FELA) was created to provide insurance protection for railroad workers. Under the Federal Employer's Liability Act, railroad workers that are not covered by workers' compensation laws have the ability to sue companies for their injuries. The Federal Employer's Liability Act provides monetary payouts for pain and suffering based on negligence, rather than a benefits schedule that workers' compensation offers.

Federal Employer's Liability Act Legal Issues:

The Federal Employer's Liability Act covers all rairoad employees. Under the act, a work injury could be a result of an accident, repetitive work injury trauma, toxic exposure, and many other reasons. If you have suffered an injury as a railroad worker, you may file a Federal Employer's Liability Act claim. Contacting an employment lawyer can also help protect yourself and make sure you get just compensation for your pain and suffering.

What an Employment Lawyer can do for you:

If you are a railroad employee that was injured at work, you are protected under the Federal Employer's Liability Act. An employment lawyer can help you recover for your losses. An empoyment lawyer can protect your best interests in case your employer hires investigators, detectives and law firms in an attempt to minimize your recovery.

Lawyer Referral Service:

If you have filed a Federal Employer's Liability Act claim and need the assistance of an employment lawyer, contact Attorney Search Network today. We can help you find an employment lawyer in your area that can work with you to recover compensation for your on-the-job injuries.

If you have any questions about the employment law information provided above, please contact us. Call us toll free at (800) 215-1190 or fill out our online form for your Employment Law lawyer referral.

If you have any questions about the information provided above, please contact Attorney Search Network.