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Grand Theft Auto is the criminal charge of stealing or possessing another person's automobile without their consent and with the intent to permanently take possession of the vehicle. Grand Theft Auto is one of many criminal cases types that are included in Grand Theft charges. Grand Theft Auto is commonly abbreviated to GTA.
Grand Theft Auto can be charged as a Misdemeanor or a Felony. The manor which the car is stolen, the defendant's criminal records and the value of the car determine if the charge will be felony or misdemeanor. While the value of the car is relevant to a charge being a misdemeanor or felony, theft a vehicle is always Grand Theft regardless of value.
To be legal considered Grand Theft Auto there needs to be intent to steal and actual or attempted possession of the vehicle. There must also be intent to permanently deprive the owner the vehicle. If the intent is to temporarily steal the vehicle the crime can be charged as vehicle theft. Permanent loss versus temporary availability of the vehicle is the primary determinate in charging Grand Theft Auto or Vehicle Theft.
If in the the theft, the owner is present, the vehical is forcefully taken and a weapon is used the case may be filled as carjacking.
A criminal lawyer can defend a client against Grand Theft Auto case in a number of was. In some cases the criminal charges comes about through misunderstandings. The owner may have provided consent to use or keep the vehicle. There is often misunderstanding between the defendant and the owner in regard to the vehicle.
The value the court assigned to the vehicle, how the vehicle was stolen and proof of intent can be argued by a defense attorney. The attorney can work to lower potential felony charges to misdemeanor charges.
If you have been charged with Grand Theft Auto, call Attorney Search Network and we can refer you to a criminal defense lawyer that can help you with your Grand Theft charges.
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