Liquor License Violation Law

Liquor License Violations

Liquor License Violation Law:

Any establishment such as a bar, restaurant, night club, store, catering business or winery/brewery that has a liquor license is subject to strict rules and regulations set forth by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC). Breaking or ignoring any of these rules would be considered a liquor license violation. Some liquor license violations may be obvious, such as serving hard alcohol with a beer-and-wine-only license, serving alcohol to minors, or serving after-hours. Others, however, are less obvious and may come from things like noise violations, incorrect disposal of trash, loitering by guests, employee violations, etc.

Liquor License Violation Legal Issues:

Liquor license violations can result in a temporary suspension or permanent revocation of one's liquor license. This can be detrimental to a business, as it will mean loss of sales related to alcohol, loss of business, and loss of customers. Liquor license violations can mean the end of a business and serious violations can even lead to criminal charges against the business owners.

What a Business Law Lawyer can do for you:

It is pertinent to keep your liquor license in full compliance with Alcoholic Beverage Control laws to prevent any liquor license violations from occurring. Business law attorneys are here to help you if you have been issued a liquor license violation. An experienced attorney can help you make your case to fight the liquor license violation and keep your license in compliance. Having an attorney on your side can help you keep your license and thus keep your business in good standing, meaning you will not suffer any losses, damages, or civil/criminal charges.

Lawyer Referral Service:

If you need help fighting a liquor license violation, contact Attorney Search Network today. Attorney Search Network can refer you to a business lawyer with experience in liquor license violations.

If you have any questions about the inStart Up provided above, please contact us. Call us toll free at (800) 215-1190 or fill out out online form for your business Closing lawyer referral.

If you have any questions about the inStart Up provided above, please contact Attorney Search Network.