Get help finding the Right Apply for Liquor License Lawyer
California liquor laws are governed by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (or ABC). Any restaurant, bar, nightclub, convenience store or other establishment that wishes to sell alcohol must apply for a liquor license with the ABC. There are many rules and regulations set forth at the federal and local levels that the establishment must comply with in order to successfully apply for a liquor license. It is first necessary to determine which type of liquor license to apply for (Type 41 - beer and wine only, or Type 47 - beer, wine and hard liquor), then to obtain the necessary zoning permits that would allow the site to serve alcohol on the premises. In addition, there is complex paperwork to file about the business, and the entire process may take a lengthy amount of time and a very large sum of money.
While the ABC has all forms and guidelines necessary to apply for a liquor license on their website, the rules can be complicated and confusing. Applying for a liquor license for a restaurant, bar or store is different than applying for a special event liquor license. There are also multiple types of liquor licenses one can apply for and other entities to deal with, such as one's local municipality for obtaining a Conditional Use Permit. Because of this complex process, applying for a liquor license may take a few months up to over a year, and the costs may vary between $8,000 to $50,000 (including zoning) depending upon the circumstances. Serving alcohol without a liquor license can lead to civil or criminal charges.
A business law attorney can help you apply for a liquor license and can ensure you are complying with all of the rules and regulations set forth by the California ABC Department. Such attorneys are well versed in the California liquor laws and the application processes involved. An experienced attorney can help you gather all necessary documentation, fill out the right applications correctly, apply for zone permitting, and then submit your liquor license application. Should any problems or concerns arise, a business law attorney will assist you to ensure your liquor license remains in full compliance. While the ABC can send you the appropriate forms to apply for a liquor license, they cannot give you advice or tell you if the forms are right for your business. Seek the council of an attorney for any liquor license questions.
If you need help applying for a liquor license, Attorney Search Network can refer you to a business lawyer with experience in liquor license cases.
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