Slip & Fall

What is it?
An injury that is caused as a result of a slip and fall due to hazardous or dangerous conditions on another persons property or a business property.

Who is responsible?
Property owners have an obligation to keep their property free of dangerous conditions. You may be able to seek compensation for your injuries if you are injured as a result of one of the following:
  • Water, ice, or snow on a walking surface
  • Defective flooring
  • Poor lighting
  • Hidden hazard, or any other object that may cause one to slip or trip and fall
What do you do if you're injured?
If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident on someones property, it is advisable that you get advice from a lawyer who has experience in personal injury cases as soon as possible after the incident. Some steps that you can take to assist the lawyer with the case are:
  • Take pictures and/or video of all the injuries you sustained and the hazard that you slipped or tripped on
  • Record any witness information
  • Keep accurate records of lost time and wages
  • Keep accurate records of any expense you incur as a result of the injury (medical, chiropractic, etc.)
Requirements for a judgment
In order obtain a judgment in a slip and fall case, you may have to prove that:
  • The hazard was caused by the owner, or
  • The owner knew about the hazard and did nothing about it, or
  • The owner should have known about it because a reasonable person would have known about it done something about it
In all slip and fall matters, it is recommended that you seek professional legal assistance to protect your interests. A lawyer who has experience in this area of law can give legal advice that will assist you with the matter and will ensure that the judicial process is properly followed.