Health care law
Disability Any legal matter that relates to a health disability issue.
Elder Law The area of law that specializes in matters relating to the elderly population.
Elder Law: Nursing Home The area of law that specializes in the treatment of elderly persons in a nursing home environment.
Health Care Fraud Any misrepresentation or falsification of information involving the health care of a civilian or business.
Hospices/Hospitals Any legal matter that involves the health care or health care treatment of a patient in a hospital or hospice.
Managed Care Any matter relating to the care of another persons health that has been entrusted in the hands of another person or facility.
Medicare & Medicaid Legal matters relating to the health care providers of medicare or medicaid.
Mental Health Legal matters relating to the mental health of a person or persons and the treatment and safety of that person.
Public Health Any matter relating to the safety of the general health of the public.