Bankruptcy (Consumer and Commercial)

Any legal matter which pertains to the filing of a Petition pursuant to Title 11 U.S.C. for liquidation or reorganization of personal and business assets under Chapter 7, 11, 12, 13, and 9 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code and related issues

Consultation Fee:
Non Contingency

Good _______ and thank you, for calling ASN, My name is ___________, how can I help you?

Do not forget to ask the following:

  • Have you used our service before? No Yes
  • How did you hear about our service?
  • Where are you located?
  • Where is your legal matter taking place?
Who is the person having the problem? Caller Other:
Is this bankruptcy matter being presented as a consumer or business? Business Consumer
Under what Chapter is this matter being filed?
Please specify the current total assets of the bankruptcy estate?
What are your current total debts and liabilities?
What is the number of creditors that have claims against you?
Are there any claims secured by either personal or real property?
What is the sum total of credit card debts:
When were the credit card debts incurred?
Are there any outstanding and unpaid medical bills? No Yes
What is the amount outstanding medical bills?
Is the debtor in bankruptcy currently employed? No Yes
If a business, please tell me the type of business:
Please tell me the annual gross income of the business:
Please specify the number of employees that are employed:
What is the length of time of business in operation?
Tell me what if any current tax liabilities the business has:
Has a prior bankruptcy been filed within the last 10 years? No Yes
Has an attorney been consulted regarding this matter? No Yes
Please identify any other facts that would be helpful in this matter:


Are you familiar with attorneys' fees? / Are you familiar with the cost of retaining an attorney?

I think I have a very clear picture of your case, here is what I am going to do for you: I am going to refer you to a pre-screened lawyer that fits the profile that you are looking for. I will also email you a complete profile on this attorney.

Just so that you know, our lawyers have been pre-screened based on years of experience, trial experience, and court appearances. They also come highly recommended based on the confidential opinions of consumers who have previously used their services.

If it’s ok with you, I need to go ahead and take down some brief contact information and provide you a reference to the attorney for a *free initial consultation for up to half an hour.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. My number is Toll Free (800) 215-1190, My name is _____________and my extension is ______.

I will be following up with you to make sure you have been well taken care off. Thank you for calling Attorney Search Network. Please remain holding while I connect you directly to the attorney’s office.