Child Support

Any legal matter that relates to the financial support of a child or minor by the biological parent, and/or legal guardians

Consultation Fee:
0 or $35
Contingency / Non Contingency

Good _______ and thank you, for calling ASN, My name is ___________, how can I help you?

Do not forget to ask the following:

  • Have you used our service before? No Yes
  • How did you hear about our service?
  • Where are you located?
  • Where is your legal matter taking place?
Who needs help? * Family/relative/friend Myself The child(ren)
What do you need help with?
Changing an existing child support order
Getting a new child support order
Are you requesting the child support to be increased or reduced? *
What is your present job?
What is your ex-spouse's current job?
How many children do you have? *
Who has custody of the children at this time? *
How old is(are) the child(ren)?
Is child support currently being paid? * No Yes
If yes, how much is being paid and who is paying it? *
Do you need to have the child support amount changed? No Yes
If yes, how much of a change in child support are you seeking?
Have any documents been filed by you in court? No Yes
If yes, what documents have been filed.
Please tell us your legal need in your own words.


Are you familiar with attorneys' fees? / Are you familiar with the cost of retaining an attorney?

I think I have a very clear picture of your case, here is what I am going to do for you: I am going to refer you to a pre-screened lawyer that fits the profile that you are looking for. I will also email you a complete profile on this attorney.

Just so that you know, our lawyers have been pre-screened based on years of experience, trial experience, and court appearances. They also come highly recommended based on the confidential opinions of consumers who have previously used their services.

If it’s ok with you, I need to go ahead and take down some brief contact information and provide you a reference to the attorney for a *free initial consultation for up to half an hour.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. My number is Toll Free (800) 215-1190, My name is _____________and my extension is ______.

I will be following up with you to make sure you have been well taken care off. Thank you for calling Attorney Search Network. Please remain holding while I connect you directly to the attorney’s office.