Click on the area of criminal law that addresses your need
Arson Destroying of a family dwelling, business or commercial structure of another person by using fire or flammatory devices.
Assault & Battery Assault is a physical act of threat of violence or force upon another person without making contact. Battery is a threat towards another person with physical contact being made.
Bank Fraud Acting deceitfully or misusing a bank, bank funds, or bank information for personal gain
Burglary The act of breaking and entering with the intentions of stealing property belonging to another person or business.
Consumer Fraud Any deceiteful act or misrepresentation of the truth involving a consumer.
Criminal Trespass The act of entering the property/land of another person without their consent or if prohibited by law.
Destruction of Property Intentionally causing damage or destruction to another's personal property without intending to replace or repair the damaged or destroyed property.
Domestic Violence Any physical act or threat couped with use of force and violence committed upon one spouse by another spouse in a marital or relational setting, which leads to injury and/or death.
Drugs Crimes The act of selling, possessing, trafficking in, manufacturing, smuggling and distributing controlled substances and illegal drugs for gain in violation of penal laws.
DUI/DWI Any legal matter that involves offenses resulting from driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence.
Homicide An incident that occurs with or without premeditation, planning, or intent which results in the death of another person.
Juvenile Criminal Law Any crime committed against a person or property by a minor.
Kidnapping The non-consensual, unlawful, and forceful taking of a person, adult or minor, for gain or other criminal scheme/plan.
Military Law Any legal matter or action that has been brought against a member of the United States military under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).
Prostitution/Solicitation for Prostitution The act of exchanging sex or sexual acts for money or monetary value.
Public Misconduct Any indecent or improper act in a public area.
Resisting Arrest The act of withstanding an arrest by an officer or police official.
Robbery The act of taking property from another person or business by the use of force or intimidation in the presence of the victim.
Sex Crimes Any forcible sexual act against another person without their consent.
Theft The intentional and non-consensual taking of another's personal property by way of deceit, trickery, false pretenses, and scheme, without intending to return or purchase the property. Usually the value of the property taken is anywhere from $1.00 to several thousand dollars.
Vandalism The act of defacing, damaging, or destroying property belonging to a third party.
White Collar - Bribery Offering a form of payment (money, property or goods) in exchange for official action in a business or corporation.
White Collar - Embezzlement Removing or taking the property of a business that has entrusted an individual to protect it and be responsible for it.
White Collar - Extortion A person who willfully takes the money or property of a business out of a business context and distributes it or gives it up to another person or company for personal gain.
White Collar - Forgery Falsely or fraudulently representing information and/or documentation in a business, corporate, personal, or governmental setting.
White Collar - Investment Schemes Any deceitful plan or business structure to get money from an investor or from an investment.
White Collar - Money Laundering The use of false fronts or other conduits to legitimize money that has been obtained through criminal activity
White Collar - Tax Evasion A business or individual that fails to report income or falsely claims deductions on their taxes.